Emotions need to be felt

Published on 7 July 2022 at 14:14



Did you know that all humans over the world have 8 basic emotions in a universal way?

These emotions below (1-8) occur in every culture and are perceptible in the same way. 

Isn't that crazy? It proves that we are all the same, no matter where we live or how we live. 



All the nuances that we call emotions can be traced back to these 8 basic emotions:


1. Trust

2. Anticpation

3. Joy (Happy)

4. Anger

5. Sadness

6. Surprise 

7. Fear

8. Disgust


So, can someone explain to me why we always wanna project ourselves as "happy"?! 

As if our lives only possess one emotion.

Every emotion has his purpose. (see the upcoming article next blogpost)

What are we doing? Is it a crime to feel something else?

Why can't we be honest to eachother in real live and on our social media?

Are we so scared to be open and direct?

And what about those who react? 

Is it so hard to show some empathy?


Besides... This is the way that stress gets created!!!

When we can't open up about our feelings, we bottle it up until it explodes.

Please y'all, I'm not telling to react from emotions but damn, feel them!

Your emotions give you a form of intelligence, use it! Don't hide it!

It's a big difference to get stuck in them. I just want you to open your heart and mind.

Even your body will get better, will get less illness.


We have gotten so far with being fake happy, that more and more people are closing their hearts and choose the wrong things and persons in their lives.

Because they close the door on their emotions, they don't know anymore how to deal with them.

Therefore, we get depressed, burn-out, cancer, and so many more disease we can kill by opening up!

Did you realise that cancer is created in our bodies when we swollow to much of anger and sadness?!

Burn-out arises by numbing your feelings and ignoring your battery, which needs to be filled with positivity and relaxation.

When you are depressed, there isn't even an "I can't anymore" but "I don't want no more"! That means your emotional wounds are festering!


I am the first who loves to see you all being happy, but you can't be happy if you don't let yourself feel the other emotions.

Monday, I had the talk with my mother that led to a contact break between my parents and me.

Tuesday, I have been crying, talking, and thinking negative all day long. I didn't do anything like taking care of my dogs or myself.

But hey, because I let myself be negative, sad, and angry for a whole day, it was possible to regroup on Wednesday. 

I felt a whole lot better because I allowed myself to feel.

And it was easier to let go. I didn't have the need to dwell over it. No! I felt it, it was done. I could move on. 

Believe me that this is new for me too. But it is possible and a whole lot easier to do. 

The thing is: you need to accept all of you, even your emotions. 

When you do this, you will feel happier. 


Just try it!



Lots of feels


Just me


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